Service Delivery Improvement Programme (SDIP)

E-Payment Portal

The Digital Transformation and Modernization of the Public Service is a critical component of the Public Sector Transformation Strategy. Charged with the mandate to coordinate this venture is the Ministry of Governance, Public Service Reform, Citizen Empowerment, Social Justice, and Ecclesiastical Affairs.

In keeping with this function, an assessment of the current service delivery within the Public Service was conducted to gain insight into the public’s perceptions, identify priority needs and recommend suitable solutions for the improvements in the delivery of services provided to the public. Those assessments formed the basis for the development of a Service Delivery Improvement Programme (SDIP).

The objectives of the SDIP are as follows:

  1. To develop and implement a modernized public sector that is effective, efficient, and innovative; and 
  2. To define models for service delivery standards in line with the needs of the public.  

Responses to the Online Survey highlighted the need for digital access to services and virtual payment systems which lead to the launch of an E-Payment Portal. The ICT Unit of the Ministry of Public Works and the Digital Economy partnered with the Ministry of Governance and the Ministry of Finance and Investment to develop this portal designed to process online payments for various Government services, a fundamental element of the Government’s vision for the Digital Economy and a Transformative Public Sector.

Some of the fees currently available for payment online include COVID-19 Testing and Quarantine, Land Transfer Fees, CARICOM Skills Certificates, Work Permits, Passports, Research Permits, Produce Dealers’ Licenses, and other license and permit fees. Additional fees will be added incrementally to the E-Payment platform in the coming weeks.  

This E-Payment portal can be accessed at

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