The wellbeing and financial security of all Public Officers are of utmost importance and remain at the forefront of the Government of Dominica’s reform agenda. It is often said that an employee who is content within the work environment is more innovative, productive, and committed to the overall success of the institution. Recognizing the invaluable contributions of Public Officers, the Government has embarked on a journey to transform the Public Service and create an environment that is both equitable and functional.
Since the programme’s inception, CARICAD, in collaboration with the local team has worked tirelessly to successfully implement the critical systems and structures required to advance those objectives. On an organizational level, the Reform Management Unit of the Ministry of Governance has appointed a Director of Public Sector Reform and Modernization to further strengthen its capacity. To date the following activities have been conducted:
The ORR will provide a rational basis for critical decisions, regarding structure, skills, grading, roles, and functions of the Public Service in its capacity as a critical agent of change.